Written By
Rodney Newby
The New Jamaica Writer

"He is decietful, corrupt and anile..."

He is Rude...
It is bad enough that we are considered the murder capital of the world, but when our leaders cannot recall it gives the feel that we are not only CONSIDERED as the murder capital but we ARE in fact.

The commission of enquiry (soap Opera) have finally come to an end, thank God, but still the people are ignorant as to the motives behind what really transpired on May 23,2011, because no one can recall. A very important question was asked recently in a popular poll on a popular Television station, it read, Should Ministers who cannot recall sit in parliament? I find this a rather interesting question, why? Politicians swore unconscientiously to represent the people to whom they are selected. Whatever happened to them taking that oath!
With no political bias whatsoever, being affiliated with neither the JLP,PNP or The NDM, but being the voice of the people and a concerned citizen who wants to see the New Jamaica, the question is begging to be answered, why were so much money WASTED on an enquiry that yielded, “I CAN’T RECALL”?

One may answer, well, the people were informed. But informed about what? The platform that was supposed to be used as an avenue through which information on the Jamaican Government – Manatt Phelps and Phillips and Christopher Dudus Coke relationship would have been disseminated was instead used utterly and perpetually as a battle ground to see who has the “Longest tongue.” This is not by any chance is a figment of the public’s imagination.
I tell you why! Politics have become so corrupted; the truth has become the enemy of those that know it.
For Jamaica to become new we must first understand that we cannot and should not elect someone that cannot recall anything that he or she had a say in, neither should we elect someone that act on every mistake that his/her brother has committed.CAN DOROTHY REALLY NOT RECALL...
One other thing before I take my leave, how can we say that we are fighting crime and violence, when in a setting in which the entire country is at view; I am referring to my brother as, “decieful, corrupt and anile।” What message are we sending to the future? I CAN’T RECALL…।
CHECK IT YOURSELVES: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110403/lead/lead8.html
Link: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110403/lead/lead8.html
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